

Ben never freezes, right? Always has something to say?


Today in Greek, I hit the wall. We're only beginning our third week, and already I've embarrassed myself. The professor asked me to translate a sentence. I got the first word correct... except that I didn't, because in reading further we saw that I had translated an article too soon.

Then I got the second word wrong. Not a little thing, either... I translated "God" as "Lord."

Then I got the next two words right... specifically, "of the."

Then I got the fifth word wrong. For some reason I couldn't come up with the word, "heavens."

Everyone waited patiently as I basically mangled a fairly simple sentence, something several people had done before me without mistake. Finally, the professor let someone else translate the second half of the sentence. I was humiliated.

It was especially frustrating, too, because if I WRITE the translation, I get it perfectly. For some reason I lose all confidence when I'm trying to speak.

Also, this professor is the leader of my accountability group, and now he pretty much thinks I'm either a) an idiot (possible) or b) too much of a slacker to study my lesson (actually, not true!).

Greek stinks.

I just feel absolutely awful right now.


Anonymous said...

Cheer up, speaking a new language takes time! I'm back in SPN class after a 4 semester break...and I've forgotten some of the most basic vocab words too =(

But having a good attitude does wonders! Greek is fun!!

Luis Carlos said...

What matters is that you studied and you learned, and I'm sure your professor will realize that when you take written exams. Even Paul must have had stage fright when speaking koine Greek for the first time. But I'm certain that you will soon be able to debate predestination with Paul. However, I think he will win the debate. :)

blbartlett said...

Cute, Luis. You're right, I'm sure Paul knows more about predestination than I do. He'd probably quote himself... Ephesians 1:3-14!